Creative & Production
Most MSAs between advertisers and agencies are lacking in some commercial detail, which means auditing your creative partners is becoming ever more important.
Read on to understand how Media Marketing Compliance can help you understand your creative and production spend.
Our focus
While many clients now have direct relationships with production houses, many costs still flow through the agency’s creative partner. Media Marketing Compliance takes this into account and, amongst other areas, looks at the following issues in a creative and production audit review:
Misallocation or mischarging for staffing resource when compared to the agreed terms
FTEs not being reconciled or reviewed on a regular basis
Agency staff are being used across multiple disciplines and are being double counted in FTE reconciliations
FTEs are not being reconciled to actual hours or true staff time ratios are calculated on industry standards rather than actual staff time ratios
No competitive bidding process is being consistently employed and job estimates are prepared using unapproved suppliers
There are no regular reviews of vendors, particularly where the agency are using their own preferred supplier list
Production rebates and discounts are not being returned to the client
Contingency costs, that were included within the original estimates, are not tracked or reconciled
The agency use an in-house studio or related party production supply companies within appropriate disclosure, approval or client oversight
The agency are passing through costs at unagreed rates and with hidden or unapproved mark-ups
The agency are shifting client funds across campaigns or projects, circumventing the proper client approval process
Campaigns are not reconciled and actualized on a timely basis
The agency are trying to recover unbillable time and costs from some projects by utilizing contingency allowances or external cost savings from other projects
Deliverables based pricing models are not validated against the key metrics used to derive the eventual price
There is no process for ensuring competitive pricing or the elements used to derive rate card pricing have not been verified
Variables used to determine fixed price SOWs are not verified or the agency have offered no support for price calculations
Cashflow is not being monitored or is being handled in a way which benefits the agency at the client’s expense

Other marketing categories we audit
Learn more about the other marketing categories Media Marketing Compliance provides audit services for by clicking on the links below.